New Journals and UI


Since the last post I've really put my head down and knocked out a few of the goals I laid out for the MVP. Over the last two weeks I've been working on a redesign of the Herb Journal and implementing the Potion Journal. Additionally I also added in a radar graph UI over the Cauldron to showcase how much of each element has been added in. This way the player can visually see what kind of potion they might make.

New Herb and Potion Journal

The old UI for the Herb Journal had both the left and right pages only contain a single Herb and the Player would need to traverse the entire Journal to find the herb they were looking for. Instead I adjusted the Layout so now the right page has all of the herbs the Player can possibly discover as well as UI elements for which ones they have discovered while the left page contains the information about the selected Herb. While this UI is not as realistic as the previous one, I believe it will be more user friendly for the Players in the long run.

Additionally, the Potion Journal that I added is structured in the same format as the Herb Journal. This way the Player can use their knowledge of one to help navigate the other. Time will tell as to if I will need to change either of these UI but for now, I think that the system works well.

Old Herb Journal

Old Herb Journal

New Herb Journal

New Herb Journal

New Potion Journal

Potion Journal

Radar Graph

For the Radar Graph I decided that to save time I would see if there were any good assets off of the Unity Store that had already been made to suit my purpose. I found a great Radar Graph asset that I will link below. After messing around with it for a bit I set it up to detect the Herbs in the Cauldron and it worked flawlessly.
Link to the Radar Asset: Radar Graph Asset

Radar Graph

Cauldron Herbs with Radar Graph

Transfering to Canvas

For the final update that I've made this sprint I worked on transferring the Research Mini-Game over from the UI Builder to Canvas. This switch was more difficult than the previous systems I had transferred and involved many instances of wanting to reuse code when it was likely more efficient to scrap the old code and program it from scratch. Eventually I did get the system up and running and for the next sprint I am planning on implementing more Mini-Games based on the type of Herb that is being researched.

Next Sprint: Implement Final Herbs and Different Research Mini-Games

For the next sprint I'm planning on implementing the Earth and Air Herbs into the game as they are the only two that I have yet to implement. I also am going to start working on some of the art assets that need to be implemented primarily the UI and adding in some environmental assets for the Player's house. I also want to develop a system for multiple Research Mini-Games for each individual Herb. I know that this is quite a bit for this sprint but I am mainly going to focus on the Herb implementation and the Research Mini-Game with any remaining time I have dedicated to art assets. With only about 2 and a half weeks until GDC I'm looking forward to getting everything implemented and ready.

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