I was able to move over most of the old UI to the UI Toolkit however there are a few bugs that I am in the process of ironing out. I was able to implement the Inventory and Cauldron UI's and get them set up pretty similar to how they were before, but the Research Mini-Game has been giving me some issues.
To start off I should say that all of the old UI is now in the new UI Toolkit system. I managed to hook up everything to work how it is supposed to but there are understandable still some bugs, even in the Inventory and Cauldron. Both of those UI's bugs are pretty small so I've decided to not focus on those at the moment so I can focus on other aspects of the game and the last section of the UI.
Research Mini-Game
That being said, there are still some major bugs within the Research Mini-Game UI that I have to solve. The first of which is getting the lines to show up visually to indicate which spaces are connected. Originally, I was using Gizmos for this however I think because of the difference in transforms from Canvas to UI Toolkit, the Gizmos are no longer working correctly. My fix for this is either going to be to get the correct transforms or go with something like a LineRenderer to display the connections. Additionally, I still need to test the white and black spaces to make sure they work properly and make sure the mini-game opens and closes correctly.
I know that this was a smaller update however I am hoping to finish updating the UI before the end of the week and then move onto other systems. After I'm done with the UI I'm planning to work on the NPC systems and quests. I currently have a very basic system set up but I'd like to make it more modular so I don't have to do so much repeated work.